Sneak peek update April 2017

A new version of Mill7 will be released on April 7th. Every year in the beginning of April we release a new version of Mill7 to keep up with the latest technologies and new functionalities are added to meet the demands of our clients.

Online filing Annual Accounts CoC

Much anticipated is the development of a tool to create XBRL files for the Annual Accounts. Millogic will charge a small fixed fee per annual account, and will invoice these with a specification at the end of each bookyear. Multiple filings for a annual account is no problem and will be charged as one filing. You can find more about online filing at this post.

Did you know that Millogic also supports the filing of Annual Accounts to the ECDF in Luxemburg?


New functionalities are added to keep track of bank accounts used in the bank transactions. By importing your bank transactions by using CAMT.053, information about the bank account paying to or be being paid from will be saved. Together with the integrated dashboard for Relian KYC, the ISI-form and client acceptance form, the number of compliance tools is growing.

Paperless office

The invoice process is better than ever. Small but significant changes have improved the procedure to asses time, approve drafts and e-mail the invoices, making the complete process more efficiënt.

Besides the old and familiar reporting tool Crystal Reports, Mill7 also uses a new tool called Dataflex Reports to create invoices  to make invoices even better looking. By using the new SMTP solution integrated in Mill7 or your local client, like Outlook, the invoices will be send with one click of the button.